Thursday, January 4, 2007

Welcome to Apron, Napkin

This is the first post, the inaugural voyage of the good ship Apron, Napkin. This blog is about the food in my life – either the food I’m cooking or the food I’m eating, or both. I should say up front that I’m no chef. I’ve never worked in a restaurant (unless you count that summer in high school I spent scooping ice cream), and I’ve only cooked seriously for the last few years. There are blogs out there written by restaurant industry insiders and producers at the Food Network, and they’re great. This blog isn’t one of them. This is more of an everyman’s look at cooking and eating…assuming this particular everyman has a taste for diver scallops and knows his onglet from his rib eye. In the future, you can expect reviews of restaurants and cookbooks, recipes, anecdotes of culinary failure and success, and rants about Rachel Ray. But for now, let me just say “Welcome.”


Anonymous said...

Excellent... This should be good. Of course, I'm wondering how long you'll be able to hold off from writing about baseball.

Anonymous said...

Don't even get me started about that goddamned Rachel Ray!